Looking for a better option?
Tired of insane taxes not going to good use?

Opting out of income tax.
It's not just for millionaires.


Club 75 refers to people whose income is $75,000 or more. This manifesto explains how they can opt out of federal income tax by concentrating themselves in New Hampshire and negotiating peaceful secession via a constitutional amendment.

Outsider Review Series

outsider review series

Here at the Club 75 Alliance, we believe we have a brilliant strategy for creating a sovereign state that libertarians will love. But we ackowledge our bias, and we don't expect to win people over quickly. The manifesto is long and abstruse, blending several ideas that are unconventional even by libertarian standards. There's no easy elevator pitch.

Maybe you're in a similar situation. You have a plan to make the world a much better place, but it's unorthodox and complicated. People tend to dismiss your suggestion because it's so offbeat. You're sure that if someone with influence took the time to study your proposal in depth, evaluating the plan on its merits, they'd enthusiastically support it.

Here's a question for you to consider: how long would it take to gauge your plan's viability? How much time would someone have to spend learning the details of your plan, wrapping their brain around the concepts you're presenting, and thinking through all the ramifications? Would it take several days for them to assess it accurately? Perhaps weeks?

Now ask yourself, would you be willing to spend that same amount of time and effort evaluating someone else's proposal? If the answer is no, that should tell you why people are reluctant to study your plan.

We're happy to announce that our answer is yes. We're introducing the Outsider Review Series, where we'll examine other people's plans in depth. We'll look for people who've devoted considerable time to their proposals, showing plenty of details.

If you'd like us to do an outsider review of your plan, please email us at reviews@club75alliance.com. We'll give preference to those willing to do a similar outsider review of the Club 75 Alliance.

Outsider Reviews

Reviews of the Club 75 Alliance by Outsiders

Video: Knocked Conscious Podcast

Audio: NHExit Podcast

Interview on January 21, 2024, conducted by Russell Kanning of NHExit

Video: Testimony in support of NH HB1130

Video: Saving The World Podcast

Video: Opting Out of Income Tax Through Negotiated Secession

Video: Proclivity for Taxing Income
